In 2010, we were told the Gwembe Valley was the most underserved area in all of Southern Africa. We later learned the Tonga people had suffered greatly because of the damming of the Zambezi River. Their farmland had become desert-like, and the promised electricity never arrived. So, there in the heart of the Gwembe Valley and the Tonga people, we built a clinic. The property was given to us with our commitment to build a clinic.
Construction teams from our church traveled there to oversee the building of the project and now consistently oversee the maintenance of our clinic. We have medical outreaches periodically throughout the year facilitated by many of our medical doctors and other medical groups from the United States and internationally. We have facilitated cataract surgeries, hundreds of dental procedures, thousands of general medical treatments, and even minor surgeries. We also have a pharmacy on the premises and just completed the companion incinerator (which is a requirement now by the government to be an official clinic).
After the clinic became operational for a couple years, a younger evangelist, that I had met in one of my teaching seminars in Zambia, asked if he could start a Christ Temple Church in the waiting room of the clinic. We excitedly said “yes” and gave Pastor Albert Muleya our church’s structure and vision to help get it started. That church doubled to two, then turned into 10, then to one hundred, and we now currently have 550 Christ Temple churches in Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Africa, and most recently in Rwanda. The miracles, salvations, and baptisms are thrilling to witness as the churches and outreaches expand. Jamie and I are there a couple of times a year to minister to the Zambian people and our pastors specifically. Hundreds of “temporary missionaries” go regularly from here to help CTC Zambia in their evangelistic outreach endeavors while medical professionals provide medical care. When we go, we also work with local schools to provide education and hygiene kits to keep young girls in school. While in the schools, we provide sports equipment, textbooks, library books and support for their school leaders. Other initiatives continue to enhance farming and assist in the developing of small businesses.